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Michel Odent navdihuje! (Michel Odent inspires!)

Združenju mam Mamice za mamice je bilo v veliko veselje in čast sodelovati na izobraževanju enega najbolj prestižnih in prepoznavnih porodničarjev in ginekologov na svetu, Michelom Odentom (1930- ). Je strokovnjak in zagovornik spoštljivega poroda, ustanovitelj spletne strani in največkrat omenjena oseba na področju rojstev. Med leti 1962 – 1985 je bil vodja kirurgije in porodništva v bolnišnici Pithiviers v Franciji. Podpira naraven in spoštljiv porod, osredotočen na intimnost, zaupanje, nežno svetlobo in toplo okolje.

Ima čudovit um, mogoče celo magičen, z ogromno zmožnostjo opazovanja in občutljivosti. Prav neverjetno je, kako si lahko zapomni natančne podrobnosti večine raziskav, omenja celo statistike, povprečja, leta izdaje, države... Njegov briljantni um je leta opazoval ženske med porodom; njihove potrebe, strahove, položaje, izkušnje ter jih povezal s stopnjo razvoja poroda. Ta vidik je zelo pomemben, saj je delal z ženskami treh generacij. Videl je razvoj zdravstvenega in družbenega okolja; od pojava carskega reza, ki je bil v začetku nekaj strašnega in nevarnega, do pojava selektivnega carskega reza; od vzdolžnega do prečnega prereza trebuha; od postopka, ki je reševal življenja, do njegove uporabe, ki je ta življenja ogrozil; od naravnega do medikaliziranega poroda; od uporabe oksitocina/epiduralne anastezije za pomoč pri porodu, do uvedbe le-teh po protokolu; od spoštljivega odnosa in intimnosti, do razčlovečenja in razvrednostenja ženskih občutkov in teles; od ločevanja matere in otroka, do dojenja v prvi uri po rojstvu.

Po opazovanju teh pojavov je želel uporabljati oziroma poizkusiti paliativne metode oskrbe. Skupaj s sodelavci je dognal, da voda in še posebej tople kopeli občutno pomagajo pri zmanjševanju bolečine pri porodu ali določanju, kdaj ima porodnica težave z odpiranjem, s tem pa pripomorejo k hitrejšim preprečevanjem posledic.

Je avtor številnih člankov, objavljenih v zdravstvenih revijah. Je prvi, ki je objavil članek o pomembnosti dojenja v prvi uri po otrokovem rojstvu (Rom, 1977), ter kako je kolostrum pomemben za imunski sistem dojenčka. Pomembnost daje vplivu oksitocina v tem obdobju, pozoren je na družbo, mame, družine in otroke. Zagovarja tezo, da smo ljudje rojeni z močno potrebo in zmožnostjo navezovati stike z drugimi ljudmi. Zato je zaskrbljen nad tem, kako smo spremenili način rojevanja, koliko otrok se rodi s carskim rezom in kako izguba oksitocina, imenovanega 'hormon ljubezni', lahko vpliva na razvoj družbe. Verjame namreč, da ima način otrokovega rojstva vpliv na njegovo življenje in sistem čustvovanja. Vplival naj bi celo življenje, kazal pa naj bi se pri zaupanju, stikih in odnosih z drugimi, samozavesti in drugje. Napisal je veliko knjig o tem, npr.: Prerojeno rojstvo (1984), Poznanstveniti ljubezen (2000), Kmet in porodničar (2002), Carski (2004), Funkcija orgazmov: Avtoceste do transcendence (2009).

Zaradi svojih bogatih izkušenj in skrbi ob opazovanju, kam je sodobna družba namenjena, hodi po svetu, od konference do konference, da bi ozaveščal zdravnike, babice, doule in druge o tem, kar je spoznal s svojimi opazovanji in o problematiki naših dejanj.

Predsednica društva je imela priložnost, da ga je lahko 3 dni poslušala govoriti o omenjenih in drugih temah. Zanjo je najpomembnejše sporočilo, ki ga je omenjal to, da mora biti ženska med nosečnostjo srečna. Poudaril je nepomembnost bolnišničnega protokola, po katerem mora vsaka nosečnica opraviti številne preglede in testiranja. Verjame, da bi morala biti vsaka ženska obravnavana posebej, individualno. Vse smo podvržene doloženim postopkom, ki jih ne potrebujemo nujno, samo da bi preprečili morebitna tveganja. Zaradi tega nosečnost dojemamo kot bolezen, polno strahu, namesto da bi v njej uživale, jo občutile in užile njeno magičnost in darilo. Kot rečeno, je najpomembnejše, da je ženska med nosečnostjo srečna, zato jo okolica ne bi smela obremenjevati in ne bi smela biti obremenjena s stvarmi, ki bi se lahko zgodile. Moralo bi iti za zaupanje in varnost.

Michel Odent je opazoval, kako stres v nosečnosti negativno vpliva na mater in otroka; koliko trpljenja, bolezni in celo stroškov lahko preprečimo, če je nosečnica sproščena, svobodna in samozavestna glede svojega telesa, občutkov in zdravniškega osebja.

Kaj še lahko povem...? Bilo je res neverjetno. Je posebna in veličastna osebnost. Lahko bi ga poslušali leta in leta, vendar smo zadovoljni s tem, kar smo dobili. In s še večjim veseljem delimo to z vami. Z dna naših src pa si želimo, da se naša življenja kmalu spet vsaj za kratek čas prepletejo.

English version:

Združenje mam MAMICE ZA MAMICE had the pleasure to be with one of the most prestigious and recognized obstetrician and gynecologist in the world, Michel Odent (1930- ). He is specialized in respectful childbirth, founder of Primal Health Research Databank ( and the most mentioned person in the birth sphere.

He was responsible for the surgical and maternity units of the Pithiviers hospital (France) from 1962 to 1985 and also accompanied many women by their deliveries at home. He supports natural and respectful way of giving birth, focused on intimacy, trust, soft light and warm room and atmosphere.

He is a person with really special mind, maybe even magic one, and also with a deep capacity of observation and sensitivity. It is incredible to see how he can remember absolute details about most of the research in the world regarding this topic, mentioning even statistics, averages, year of publication, country... His brilliant mind was delicately observing women during deliveries; their needs, fears, positions and their experiences and connected them with the type of birth development.

This point of view is extremely important because he has worked with women of three generations. He saw all the medical and society developments, from beginning to c-section - when it was really scared and dangerous operation, to selective c-section; from longitudinal to transverse abdominal section, from creating it to save lives, to using them to risk those lives; from natural childbirth to medicalized one; from use of oxytocin or epidural to help, to use it as a protocol; from respecting women in intimacy, to dehumanize and disempower women from their own feelings and bodies; from mom and baby separation, to breastfeeding during the first hour.

After some of those observations, he wanted to practice (or try) natural palliative methods. He and his team found out that water and also warm baths are really helpful with pain and for figuring out when a woman has problems with dilatation, in order to deal with consequence faster.

He is the author of many articles published in medical magazines. Actually he published the first article about breastfeed during the first hour after birth (Rom, 1977), including how necessary is colostrum for baby immune’s system. He is really aware of how oxytocin affects during those procedures and alert about society, mothers, families and of course babies. He strongly supports that human beings are born with a need and an ability to connect with other human beings. So that's why he is worried about how we had changed our way of giving birth, about how many kids are born thought c-section and how loosing oxytocin, called the hormone of love, can affect the future of human society. He believes that the way one was born affects his life and his emotional system. It influences throughout adult life, regarding confidence, contact with others, relationships, self-esteem... He wrote many books about it, for example: Birth reborn (1984), The Scientification of Love (2000), The farmer and the obstetrician (2002), The Caesarean (2004), The Functions of the Orgasms: The Highways to Transcendence (2009).

Because of all his experience and his worries watching the direction our society is heading, he is going all around the world from one conference to another to inform doctors, midwifes, doulas... about everything he had learned (observed) and the problematic of some of our acts.

President of Mamice za Mamice had the honor and the luxury to listen him talk about all these things and more for 3 days. For her, one of the most important things he was talking about was that women must be happy during the pregnancy. He was explaining us about the different routines and examinations pregnant women are exposed to by a protocol. He considers each woman must be treated differently, considering each case individually. We are all submitted to certain practice which we don't all need, just to avoid potential risk. This makes us experience pregnancy as an illness, with fears and doesn't allow us to enjoy it, to feel and experiment the procedure as the magic and gift it is. As I said, the most important for a woman being pregnant is to be happy, so everything around her it should not be making her feel stressed or worried about things that may happen. It should be about trust and safety.

Michel Odent had observed how stress in the pregnancy affects baby and mother in a bad way. How much suffering, sickness, even costs we can avoid if woman is relaxed, free, empowered with herself and her experience, her body, her feelings and her doctors.

What else can we say...? It was really amazing. He is such a special and magnificent person. We could be listening him speak for years! But we are satisfied with what we’ve got. And we are glad to share this with you. We hope from the deepest parts of our hearts that we will soon be able to share with him a little piece of our lives again.

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